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What Is A Document Management System?

October 4, 2023

In today’s digital era, where information multiplies exponentially, your organization likely faces the daunting task of tracking documents. This is where Digital Document Management steps in to eliminate chaos while establishing order and efficiency. But what a Document Management System, and more importantly, why should you prioritize it? Below, we’ll answer this question and look at how this unique tool can simplify your life.

Metadata, Not Folders

Imagine a world where you don’t need to sift through countless folders and emails to find a specific document. This can be a reality thanks to metadata, the driving force behind Document Management. Metadata describes what documents are as opposed to the traditional filing systems that focus on where they are. Simple descriptors like “contract,” “presentation,” or “customer name” facilitate easy document filtering and retrieval. With metadata, searching for a document becomes as simple as entering a keyword. No more endless scrolling or frantic folder searches; the information you need is readily accessible.

Your Digital Filing Clerk

In the past, dedicated filing clerks managed perfectly organized paper documents in sprawling file rooms. To outsiders, this room appeared nearly incomprehensible, but the clerks always knew exactly where everything was. In the digital age, we’ve translated this concept into a virtual filing room, but we’ve done away with the clerk meaning there’s no one to help you sort through countless folders. Digital Document Management serves as your virtual filing clerk, always available to find precisely what you require, when you require it. It streamlines document storage, enabling you to easily locate, retrieve, and organize your digital files. Think of it as having a dedicated personal assistant for cataloging and retrieving your documents.

A filing clerk as a metaphor for a Digital Document Management System

Tagging and Categorization: Organize Like a Pro

Think of your documents as songs on a music streaming platform. What if every song was displayed in a long list with with only a basic genre filter? Much like our current filing systems, it would be almost impossible to locate exactly what you were looking for. The reality of these services is that songs can be easily found by searching for the name of the song, the artist name, or often, even a simple lyric snippet. Similarly, with a Document Management System you can locate documents using filters, such as, sales documents, contracts, or by the name customer they relate to. You can even type any relevant information into the search bar to see a list of documents that you can further refine to find just what you need. This flexibility ensures that your documents are neatly filed and easily accessible, like a well-arranged music collection.

The End of Silos: A Central Repository

Historically, documents resided in departmental or personal silos, making it challenging to locate vital information. Document Management dismantles these silos, serving as a central repository for all your company’s documents, whether HR documents, financial records, or marketing collateral. This system enhances collaboration and expedites decision-making, granting quick and efficient access to information for everyone in your organization.

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Safe and Secure

While all your documents are housed centrally, not just anyone can access them. Built-in tools enable companies and departments to lock and secure their digital cabinets, ensuring that information is accessible only to the necessary team members. You can employ metadata to share or restrict access to specific document types, such as confidential drawings or entire categories like human resources files.

Seamless Integration: Pulling Data Together

Your organization thrives on collaboration. Digital Document Management systems can seamlessly integrate with other platforms and systems already in use. Whether it’s data from your CRM, accounting software, or project management tools, Digital Document Management brings everything together. This integration ensures your documents are part of a broader ecosystem, fostering efficient workflows and information sharing across your organization.

Version Control: Keeping It Current

In the digital realm, documents constantly evolve. From contract revisions to internal policy updates, multiple team members may collaborate on the same document simultaneously, leading to version confusion. Digital Document Management resolves this issue through version control, ensuring you always work with the latest document version while archiving historical versions for reference. This keeps your information up-to-date, eliminates errors, and enhances collaboration.

A Digital Document Management System as the final piece of the filing puzzle

Workflow Automation: Streamlined Processes

Are you tired of waiting for approvals or navigating your organization’s bureaucracy to review documents? Digital Document Management introduces workflow automation, simplifying these processes. Approvals, reviews, and document routing become seamless, automated procedures. This translates to less manual intervention, swifter decision-making, and heightened productivity.

Cloud Features: Collaboration Without Boundaries

In today’s dynamic work environment, remote and hybrid teams are the norm. Digital Document Management embraces the cloud, enabling seamless collaboration regardless of physical locations. Cloud-based Digital Document Management systems provide remote access, allowing your team to collaborate as if they were in the same room. Whether you’re at the office, working from home, or even on a business trip, you can access and collaborate on documents in real-time anywhere with an internet connection.

So what is a Document Management System? It is the final piece in the document organization puzzle in the digital age. It revolutionizes how organizations oversee, archive, and retrieve documents, resulting in enhanced efficiency, seamless collaboration, and data security. By streamlining document procedures and abolishing information silos, Digital Document Management equips organizations with the tools needed to navigate the digital landscape effortlessly. It’s a versatile tool that adapts to your business requirements, ensuring you remain at the forefront of the digital era. Embrace Digital Document Management today and bid farewell to document-related headaches.

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For over three decades, OE Canada has been the leader in Multi-Function Printers, Office Supplies & Equipment and Enterprise Content Management Solutions in Southwestern Ontario. With two strategically located offices and a dedicated team of professionals, we take pride in serving our communities. With over 25,000 satisfied customers, our family-owned and locally-rooted business is renowned for its exceptional service and responsiveness. From Document Management to Printing Solutions and everything else in between, our innovative approach means creative solutions crafted exclusively for you.